Milloy or: between music and concert photography
Due to my studies, I do n0t get to blog that often at the moment, but I do not want to withhold this from you: I recently went to a concert by the punk band Milloy and took lots of pictures.
read the article: Milloy or: between music and concert photography
A ♥ for Blogs
Nice idea: Today, the Stylespion calls on you to take part in the “A ♥ for blogs” campaign and to introduce German blogs to encourage networking in the community. The procedure: Today, April 21, 2009, the entire (well, maybe just part of the) German blogosphere is publishing a post with the same title) and doing nothing more than pointing to other blogs worth reading. Over at the Blogpiloten, I have already submitted a few suggestions that should appear during the course of the day, but there is of course more to say. So here we go.
read the article: A ♥ for Blogs
8-bit musicLink collection: From the love of 8 bits
Yes, yes, the good old media convergence. What actually only refers to media would have to be defined much more broadly and also extended to computers (computer convergence? Well, I do not know). While certain operating systems are ostentatiously flaunting their 64 bits, the fan community unabashedly indulges its love of 8 bits. And so you can find a whole range of cool projects on the internet that revive the sounds of the C64 and Atari. You can find a small selection after the jump.
read the article: Link collection: From the love of 8 bits
Experimental Sound Design: the work of Diego Stocco
Dieco Stocco experiments with sounds, using all kinds of unusual sound sources. Worth listening to!
read the article: Experimental Sound Design: the work of Diego Stocco
Video-Installation „Shallow 1-21“Malcolm McLaren: from punk impresario to media artist
Malcolm McLaren, the well-known artist and music manager, has put together a new video installation called “Shallow 1-21”.
read the article: Malcolm McLaren: from punk impresario to media artist
Poladroid: between photographic nostalgia and GUI issues
Poladroid simulates the development of analog polaroids up to the smallest GUI detail. Does this work?
read the article: Poladroid: between photographic nostalgia and GUI issues
Newspaper Study 2008: the German print landscape is embracing Web 2.0
It is finally here: Steffen Büffel has put the results of last year's newspaper study online, which I was allowed to work on. The values are based on a full coverage of German newspapers and should therefore be unrivaled in this country.
read the article: Newspaper Study 2008: the German print landscape is embracing Web 2.0
Text adventure with Pacman
Pacman as a text adventure? An exciting experiment by N. Landsteiner.
read the article: Text adventure with Pacman
Spirit Photography: The Ghostbusters' Predecessors
It is always amazing to see what interesting things you can discover in the history of photography. My latest discovery: Spirit Photography. This is a strange practice that wanted to make ghosts visible on film.
read the article: Spirit Photography: The Ghostbusters' Predecessors
Is there such a thing as a scientific movie?
Recently, I have been dealing with the question of whether a film is capable of conveying scientific knowledge. By this, I do not mean the more or less reputable science programs on television, which tend to contribute to the popularization of scientific knowledge. Nor do I mean film as the object of scientific study in film studies. Rather, I am concerned with the question of whether film can adequately convey a scientific, controversial subject matter. The starting point for this was a study that has not yet been published and that was conducted in the Department of Education at the University of Trier: a comparison of the teaching methods of film and text in terms of their effectiveness in learning when dealing with scientific knowledge.
read the article: Is there such a thing as a scientific movie?