Björn Rohles

Human experiences in digital technologies About Me

Hello, I am Björn Rohles, a media scholar focussing on the digital world. I write, teach and analyse, in particular regarding digitalisation, User Experience and web design.

Björn Rohles

Key facts

  1. Key topics User Experience (UX), digitalization, design of digital products & services
  2. Work experience strategic digital project management with a strong focus on UX for more than ten years
  3. Volunteering work workshops, lectures, publications
  4. Education Media Studies (Magister), Human-Computer Interaction (Ph.D.)

Who I am

I studied media studies in Trier (Germany) and Lyon (France) and completed my Ph.D. in human-computer interaction in 2021. I have several years of experience in user research and research of media consumption, digital learning media, and the design of digital products and services.

I am author of books and numerous professional articles on various aspects of digitalization. I love to share my knowledge in lectures, workshops, and seminars and continue to write about the digital transformation as an author. I have been working as project manager in agencies, companies and public institutions for several years, specialising on the conception, design, development and strategy of digital products.

Curriculum vitae (CV)


  • 2021: Ph.D., Psychology (Human-Computer Interaction), University of Luxembourg
  • 2010: Magister, Media Studies (minors: English Studies, Pedagogy), University of Trier
  • 2007-2008: Study abroad (Arts du Spectacle, Information & Communication), Université Lumière Lyon II, France

Work experience (selection)

  • since 2022: UX Training Manager, Digital Learning Hub (Ministry of Education), Luxembourg
  • 2021-2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg
  • 2017-2021: Doctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg
  • 2013-2017: Project Manager new media, alwitra
  • 2012-2013: Project manager, Polybytes Media
  • 2011: Online Editor, arte
  • 2010: Editor-in-chief, (Polybytes Media)
  • 2008-2009: student assistant (reception research, usability evaluation), University of Trier
  • 2007-present: freelance writer and consultant
  • 2006-2007: student assistant (e-learning), University of Trier

detailed CV on LinkedIn

Memberships and Voluntary Engagement

  • member of Ph.D. supervision committees (Sabina Sieghart, Hasselt University; Ziming Wang, University of Luxembourg / Chalmers University; Suvadeep Mukherjee, University of Luxembourg)
  • engagement as reviewer (e.g., program committee EduCHI 2024)
  • working group lead UX strategy, German UPA
  • Member of the German Usability and User Experience Professionals Association (German UPA), the German Informatics Society (GI) and the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
  • former Chairman of Medianetz Trier e.V. (2007-2024), the honorary association of students and alumni of Media Studies (Trier)
  • over ten years of voluntary work for people with mental disabilities


  • Key skills: project management, UX research, UX design, workshops, seminars, lectures, human-centered design, usability evaluation, digital strategies, qualitative methods, writing, consulting
  • Other skills: online marketing, search engine optimization, social media, quantitative methods
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP (good to very good knowledge), Swift, Java, Objective-C (basic knowledge).
  • Languages: German (native speaker), English, French (very good knowledge), Luxembourgish (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge)


In my free time, I love spending time with friends and family, preferably with an ice-cold mate and good music. I love cooking, brewing beer (though rarely) or playing soccer or learning the guitar with one of my three children.