Björn Rohles

Digitalisierung mit dem Menschen im Blick Artikel

Begeistert von der Idee, digitale Technologien mit menschlichen Bedürfnissen in Einklang zu bringen, schreibe ich über User Experience (UX), Digitalisierung und Technologie.

Portfolios in user experience (UX)Making a skillful impression with a UX portfolio

Regardless of whether they are employed or self-employed: When user experience professionals apply for a job or want to acquire new clients, they often have to present a portfolio. But what exactly is a portfolio in user experience (UX)? Which skills are important? And how can you create a UX portfolio that really convinces hiring managers or potential clients?

Artikel lesen: Making a skillful impression with a UX portfolio

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Defining strategies to systematically create positive experiencesUX Vision and UX Strategy: The path to seamless, positive experiences

Positive experiences are becoming increasingly important for companies and, especially in times of increased competition, can be a decisive differentiator that sets an organization apart from others. But how can organizations ensure that everyone aligns in the same direction and contributes to positive experiences for their users or customers? Luckily, UX visions and UX strategies are useful tools for achieving this alignment. What do you need to consider when creating UX visions and UX strategies?

Artikel lesen: UX Vision and UX Strategy: The path to seamless, positive experiences

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Making Understanding VisibleExploring Mental Models with Concept Mapping

UX designers should know the mental models of users to design human-centered digital products and services. However, these mental models are not easy to capture and vary substantially from person to person. Concept mapping is a valuable method to explore mental models. But what to consider when using concept mapping in UX research?

Artikel lesen: Exploring Mental Models with Concept Mapping

Über die Bedeutung von Erlebnissen in der Experience EconomyWarum die Experience für Unternehmen und Institutionen so wichtig ist

In Wirtschaft und Gestaltung fokussieren wir uns immer stärker auf das Erleben unserer Nutzerinnen und Nutzer, die Experience – ganz besonders im Digitalen. Warum ist das so? Dieser Artikel spürt dieser Entwicklung nach und beantwortet Fragen wie: Was ist der wirtschaftliche Wert von Experience? Was kennzeichnet Experiences? Warum sind Experiences gerade im Digitalen so wichtig? Und wie kann uns Experience bei der Gestaltung einer lebenswerten Zukunft helfen?

Artikel lesen: Warum die Experience für Unternehmen und Institutionen so wichtig ist

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Growing corporate awareness for user experienceUX Maturity: Humans in focus, success in sight

User experience (UX) is a key success factor in the design of digital products and services. However, companies and other organizations are at different stages with regards to aligning their business processes for positive UX. UX maturity models help to identify the current stage of organizations in terms of UX maturity. How can companies use these models to systematically create positive UX and turn it into business benefits?

Artikel lesen: UX Maturity: Humans in focus, success in sight

Create positive experiences with digital products and servicesGuerrilla user experience (UX) design

Especially in the digital age, positive user experience is an important differentiation criterion for products and services. Therefore, this user experience (UX) should be considered from the very beginning of human-centered design. With the right ideas, even limited resources are no reason to give up on creating good user experiences. What possibilities does guerrilla-style UX design offer?

Artikel lesen: Guerrilla user experience (UX) design

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Low costs, manageable effort, helpful resultsGuerrilla usability & user experience testing

Testing the usability and user experience of digital products and services (e.g. websites or apps) usually involves a lot of effort. But this does not necessarily have to be the case: small tests are better than none. Especially if they are lean, fast and agile. A look at the powerful tactics of guerrilla UX testing.

Artikel lesen: Guerrilla usability & user experience testing