Media Day 2012Apps, responsive web design and mobile communication
Last week, creatives and media people of the region met at Schloss Niederweis where the second Media Day took place. I participated with a presentation on the creation of mobile apps for medium-sizes businesses. Now, it is about time to review the event and let you get an idea of the manifold presentation, covering apps for the tourism sector, responsive web design and the impact of mobile communication.
read the article: Apps, responsive web design and mobile communication
Media-Day 2012Development of a mobile app for medium-sized companies
Today, I spoke about the development of a mobile application at the Media Day. You can find the presentation (in German) here, licensed under Creative Commons BY SA.
read the article: Development of a mobile app for medium-sized companies
Social media in politicsCan Facebook help in urban planning?
Yesterday, the SPD fraction in the parliament of Trier invited to a panel discussion about “Facebook in urban planning”, which took place in the venerable baroque halls of the electroral palace. No question I had to be there. The discussion brought a lot of interesting aspects to light, but missed a chance regarding liquid democracy.
read the article: Can Facebook help in urban planning?
Study on Google search resultsSEO with the eyes of the users
Search engine optimization plays a vital role in our daily lifes on the internet. Hendrik Terbeck has published a bachelor thesis titled “The influence of social recommendations on the selection behavior with search engines” which tries to answer burning SEO questions using eye tracking and problem-centered interviews.
read the article: SEO with the eyes of the users
Educamp #ecco12Flying in Cologne
The past weekend, I have been to the ninth Educamp in Cologne. The Educamp is a BarCamp about learning with new media, and this is a short review, covering creating apps for learning without programming, using screencasts in schools, types of digital learners, the digital identity and some thoughts on the relation of media, knowledge and learning.
read the article: Flying in Cologne
Ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for publishersBad Links
The coalition agrees that a ancillary copyright law for press publishers is essential to ask commercial linkers to pay. This is “a black day for copyright”, and there will be repercussions here as well.
read the article: Bad Links
Public Domain ReviewFree works in new splendor
The internet often proves to be a second flowering for historical culture, enticing us with a multitude of discoveries in the public domain – I have compiled a few sources at the end of this article. However, the problem is often: how to find them?
read the article: Free works in new splendor
Barefoot into Cyberspace (Becky Hogge)Jumpstart in digital culture
Becky Hogge has published the free book “Barefoot into Cyberspace”. She focusses on the digital counter culture and writes about hackers and visionaries—people who see opportunities of communicating technologies to create a more liberal society. Does the book helps its readers understand the digital counter culture?
read the article: Jumpstart in digital culture
Ansgar Heveling and internet cultureWar of the Worlds?
Ansgar Heveling is a trending topic. The member of parliament for the CDU made a guest appearance in the Handelsblatt, expressing his views on the internet community (Tim Pritlove has set the article to music) and reveals so many argumentative weaknesses that one wonders whether he really means it.
read the article: War of the Worlds?
Fields of application for QR codesDiscover the possibilities
The previous episodes covered the basics, success factors and evaluation of QR codes. Now I will look at some of the common scenarios in which they are used.
read the article: Discover the possibilities