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Social media in politics Can Facebook help in urban planning?

Yesterday, the SPD fraction in the parliament of Trier invited to a panel discussion about "Facebook in urban planning", which took place in the venerable baroque halls of the electroral palace. No question I had to be there. The discussion brought a lot of interesting aspects to light, but missed a chance regarding liquid democracy.

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Educamp #ecco12 Flying in Cologne

The past weekend, I have been to the ninth Educamp in Cologne. The Educamp is a BarCamp about learning with new media, and this is a short review, covering creating apps for learning without programming, using screencasts in schools, types of digital learners, the digital identity and some thoughts on the relation of media, knowledge and learning.

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Public Domain Review Freie Werke in neuem Glanz

Das Netz erweist sich oft als zweite Blüte für historische Kultur und lockt mit einer Vielzahl von gemeinfreien Entdeckungen – ein paar Quellen habe ich am Ende dieses Beitrags zusammengetragen. Das Problem dabei ist oft jedoch: Wie finden?

Language: only available in German

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