Photo gallery of the City CampusLong Night of Science
Gaining insights under the night sky – Trier hosted a long night of science yesterday, City Campus. I was out and about with my camera – here is a selection of my photos.
read the article: Long Night of Science
Ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for publishersAgainst innovation
So there it is, the ancillary copyright. A done deal, search engines are to pay publishers license fees. An unprecedented fight against networking is imminent.
read the article: Against innovation
QR codes in art, marketing and shoppingHidden messages from the internet
This article is overdue: About six months ago, I started a small series with basics of QR codes, methods for analysis and evaluation and popular fields of application – and announced a fourth part with analyses.
read the article: Hidden messages from the internet
Focus on movies – "Night of the Living Dead"Zombie classic: Undead by tradition
George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” (1968) is one of the genre defining zombie movies – and, due to an unintentional mistake, the American version is freely on the net.
read the article: Zombie classic: Undead by tradition
Social for companiesSocial media marketing with a concept
Last Tuesday, Thomas Stiren gave a presentation about “Social networks and the opportunities for companies” at the Trier Chamber of Commerce. The rdts managing director gave many valuable tips for the conception of successful social media campaigns, which I would like to pass on to you here – however, the entrepreneur remained unclear about his sources and terminology.
read the article: Social media marketing with a concept
Documentation of the demo sceneMedia art in few lines of code
The demo scene create digital artworks in tiny files of 64k, building on effects calculated in real time by the computer, often exceeding technical limitations of the devices. A free documentation und a creative commons BY) license describes the development of the scene and introduces some of its protagonists.
read the article: Media art in few lines of code
Girl TalkDigital remixes
An exciting interview for in between: Girl Talk talks about mashups and his inspiration for them..
read the article: Digital remixes
Ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for press publishersDiscussions – offside
A few weeks ago, I already expressed my concerns regarding the ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for press publishers. The draft law that has now been made public shows that it also affects users and poses a threat to the democratic exchange of opinions.
read the article: Discussions – offside
Multimediatreff 30 in CologneTechnologies and concepts for app development
On May 25 and 26, I was able to attend the 30th Multimediatreff in Cologne – thanks to the podcast Technikload. Topic: Development of mobile applications. Read about the basics of Phone Gap, iOS and Android – and why Windows Phone 7 was able to surprise. You should also not miss the recommendations for a meaningful user experience.
read the article: Technologies and concepts for app development
Media-Day 2012Rhineland-Palatinate, the heart of the Internet?
Now, a couple of days after the first part of my review of the event Media Day, which focused on the professional topics like responsive web design and apps, it is time for part 2. This post covers the technological and political foundations regarding broad band in Rhineland-Palatinate, and why this is often still lacking.
read the article: Rhineland-Palatinate, the heart of the Internet?