We see them over and over again in the digital world: progress bars. They are more than simple indications of loading status. In worst case scenaries, they can be really frustrating. How can we enhance the user experience by building user-friendly progress bars?
In the first part covering the basics of website concepts, we described the target audience, created usage scenarios and defined the overall goal of the website. What aspects are important in order to reach these goals?
While journalists have a well-defined press codex to answer questions like “How should a professional journalist react when marketers ask for collaboration?”, bloggers have to rely on their ethical judgments. In doing so, it can help to try to understand the situation like their readers.
The cornerstone of good and successful web sites is laid during the first weeks of a project – long before the first layouts or coding occur. Shortfalls during this phase often lead to higher costs which can be avoided with a good concept.
Most companies consider Public Relations (PR) an important part of their communication. In the digital reality of media today, blogs cannot be ignored. What are the reasons to include blogger relations in the PR activities? What should companies keep in mind when cooperating with the digital opinion leaders?
Kerstin Hoffmann hat zur umfangreichen Blogparade rund um das Thema „Schreibblockade“ aufgerufen. Kurz zuvor hat sie Tipps von 26 Berufsschreibern gesammelt – da sind viele wertvolle Ratschläge dabei. Wenn man die Gründe von Schreibblockaden erkennt, bergen sie trotz aller Nachteile große Chancen – warum, lest ihr hier.
The digital media shift is a challenge for all of us, whether we are part of the editorial staff or media studies in general. Thus, this was one of the major topics of the day of media studies in 2013. Joachim Blum held a keynote covering his experiences as a media consultant, and the alumni Viktoria Hengen, Sebastian Erlhofer, and Nils Lengelsen spoke about what the job market expects from students of media studies.
If you want to become known as an expert in a field, there is one major thing to do: write a lot. Content serials help minimizing the stress and make your expertise clearer, if you follow some general guidelines.
Peter Müller, einer der profiliertesten deutschen Webdesign-Lehrer, hat mit „Flexible Boxes“ (Rheinwerk Computing, 24,90 €) eine Einführung in moderne Websites mit HTML5, CSS3 und JavaScript veröffentlicht.
Am vergangenen Montag war die Designforscherin Gesche Joost aus dem Kompetenzteam der SPD in Trier zu Gast und diskutierte über ihre netzpolitischen Ansätze. Der Titel machte viel her: „Schöne neue Welt Internet?! Chance – Überwachung – Wirtschaftsfaktor“ – das sind ja gleich drei Sachen auf einmal, und dementsprechend groß waren die Erwartungen. Was kann im Detail auf die Agenda?