Kurt Tucholsky antwortete 1919 auf die Frage „Was darf Satire?” mit „Alles“. Beim Tag der Medienwissenschaft beschäftigten wir uns 100 Jahre später noch einmal mit der Frage: Christian Karch referierte über Freiheiten und Grenzen von Unterhaltung. Außerdem verabschiedeten wir Professor Hans-Jürgen Bucher, der das Fach 1998 aufgebaut hat.
Since a couple of years, chatbots are a trending topic. No wonder: They are quick, available around the clock and do not rely on learning how to interact with them – just start the chat and type. However, how should you create a well-researched chatbot strategy and make sure that your chatbot provides a great user experience?
Digital transformation profoundly changes how organizations work. This is why organizations need a digital strategy. But what exactly is a digital strategy? And which aspects should it consider?
Wie konzipiert man erfolgreiche Websites? Jens Jacobsens Klassiker „Website-Konzeption“ ist im letzten Jahr in der mittlerweile achten Auflage erschienen – und noch immer wird es seinem Status gerecht.
Personas are among the most practical and flexible tools in human-centered product design. They make user research results tangible and are therefore important building blocks on the way to a good user experience.
20 years of media studies in Trier: On the 27th of January 2018, media studies celebrated its history, with various contributions by students, a keynote by Silke Burmester focusing on "influencers and journalists", a panel discussion about attention in the media, and obviously reviews and outlooks with emotional tributes.
Few developments are so important for media studies like the change of media, caused by the digitalisation for about 20 years. At the day of media science on the 5th of November 2016, two topics covered this aspect: Oliver Auster explained how his employer, the German tabloid "Bild", reacted to the challenge, and Corinna Trierweiler, Fabienne Aßmann, and Steffen Büffel spoke about the job chances of alumni of media studies.
"Computer games as media art": In this year, we invited Stephan Schwingeler, a pioneer in the field of game studies and himself alumni of media studies in Trier, to give a keynote at the day of media studies. Taking a media studies perspective, he talked about an area which we consider not often enough. How are computer games used in media art?
Animationen im Webdesign waren lange Zeit negativ besetzt, als die Nutzer bei zahlreichen Websites zunächst auf „Skip Intro“-Links klicken mussten. Heute sind bewegte Elemente jedoch fester Bestandteil von nutzerfreundlichem Webdesign. Wer sich über die Animationen ein wenig Gedanken macht, bekommt nicht nur ein wirkungsvolles Gestaltungsmittel, sondern verbessert die User Experience seiner Nutzer.
"The crisis of journalism" – this was the topic of this year's day of media studies. Why do people risk becoming journalists despite the crisis? And what do the findings from the crises in the Ukraine, Syria and Iraq mean for professional media?