Björn Rohles

Ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for publishers Bad Links

Last update: Reading time: 3 minutes Tags: CDU, Google, coalition, Leistungsschutzrecht, press, publishers

The coalition agrees that a ancillary copyright law for press publishers is essential to ask commercial linkers to pay. This is “a black day for copyright”, and there will be repercussions here as well.

Good links, bad links – and many questions

So far, the ancillary copyright is little more than a declaration of intent, but with the results of the coalition talks, it should slowly become more concrete and give us some exciting discussions. Basically, however, this is what it is about:

Commercial providers on the internet, such as search engine operators and news aggregators, will in future have to pay a fee to publishers for distributing press products (such as newspaper articles) on the internet.
coalition round results paper, 4