Björn Rohles

ResultsYour search for "Thomas Hobbes"

These articles are tagged with "Thomas Hobbes".

Figurative visualisation of a state theoryHorst Bredekamp: Visualizing a Theory of the State in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan

In his German work “Thomas Hobbes Visuelle Strategien. Der Leviathan: Das Urbild des modernen Staates”, Berlin-based art historian Horst Bredekamp shows how an illustration can visualise a theory. As an example, he chose the famous state theory developed by Thomas Hobbes in his ‘Leviathan’. Today it is considered one of the earliest foundations of the modern state. While the text itself has been analyzed frequently, the cover has been neglected.

read the article: Horst Bredekamp: Visualizing a Theory of the State in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan