Engagement for the UX community UX strategy working group
UX is far more than just making digital products easy to use: It has substantial potential for creating business value. As leader of the UX strategy working group (German UPA), I contribute to establishing UX as a strategic value of organisations.
In a nutshell
Our honorary German UPA working group contributes to establishing UX strategy as a connection between user experience (UX) and business, aiming at raising awareness for UX strategy, collect insights on UX strategy, and develop strategic methods.

As a working group leader, I organise the work sessions (roughly every two weeks), facilitate workshops, and contribute to various outcomes of the working groups. Building on collaborative Miro boards, Discord, and Google Drive, each work sessions is comprised of networking, content work, and discussions.
Our working group has a strong empirical focus: We collect data about current trends and practices in UX strategy (e.g., the current state of UX strategy, good practices, and required skills) through surveys, interviews, and co-design sessions, mostly in the German-speaking UX community.
We publish working group results at German UPA events and media, for example as a paper and presentation at Mensch & Computer 2023, Rapperswil (only available in German):
Current projects
Currently, our work concentrates on publishing the results of our UX strategy survey, sharing UX strategy good practices, and identifying a skills framework for UX strategy. A list of current projects is available on the German UPA website.