Making Understanding VisibleExploring Mental Models with Concept Mapping
UX designers should know the mental models of users to design human-centered digital products and services. However, these mental models are not easy to capture and vary substantially from person to person. Concept mapping is a valuable method to explore mental models. But what to consider when using concept mapping in UX research?
read the article: Exploring Mental Models with Concept Mapping
On the importance of experiences in the experience economyWhy the Experience is so important for companies and institutions
In both business and design, we are focusing increasingly on our users’ experience, especially in the digital medium. What are the reasons for this development? This article traces this development and answers questions like: What is the economic value of experience? What is characteristic of experiences? Why are experiences so important, especially in the digital medium? And how can experience help us shape a future worth living?
read the article: Why the Experience is so important for companies and institutions
Diversity in UX designMore diversity for better experiences
In a connected world, target audiences are more diverse than ever before. In user experience (UX) design, this complexity is a major challenge. However, the right design approaches allow creating digital services and products that stand out positively from the rest.
read the article: More diversity for better experiences
Create positive experiences with digital products and servicesGuerrilla user experience (UX) design
Especially in the digital age, positive user experience is an important differentiation criterion for products and services. Therefore, this user experience (UX) should be considered from the very beginning of human-centered design. With the right ideas, even limited resources are no reason to give up on creating good user experiences. What possibilities does guerrilla-style UX design offer?
read the article: Guerrilla user experience (UX) design
Low costs, manageable effort, helpful resultsGuerrilla usability & user experience testing
Testing the usability and user experience of digital products and services (e.g. websites or apps) usually involves a lot of effort. But this does not necessarily have to be the case: small tests are better than none. Especially if they are lean, fast and agile. A look at the powerful tactics of guerrilla UX testing.
read the article: Guerrilla usability & user experience testing
Intercultural web designDesign without cultural borders
As a global medium, the web promises being able to find users world-wide. However, cultural imprint is still a factor to consider, even in times of digitization. What should you keep in mind in intercultural web design to create a good user experience?
read the article: Design without cultural borders
Strategic planning and prototyping of chatbotsChatbots with great user experience
Since a couple of years, chatbots are a trending topic. No wonder: They are quick, available around the clock and do not rely on learning how to interact with them – just start the chat and type. However, how should you create a well-researched chatbot strategy and make sure that your chatbot provides a great user experience?
read the article: Chatbots with great user experience
Guiding organizations towards digitizationWhat is a digital strategy?
Digital transformation profoundly changes how organizations work. This is why organizations need a digital strategy. But what exactly is a digital strategy? And which aspects should it consider?
read the article: What is a digital strategy?
Using empathy in designPersonas in user experience design
Personas are among the most practical and flexible tools in human-centered product design. They make user research results tangible and are therefore important building blocks on the way to a good user experience.
read the article: Personas in user experience design
Improving UX of progress barsFast progress bars to enhance user experience
We see them over and over again in the digital world: progress bars. They are more than simple indications of loading status. In worst case scenaries, they can be really frustrating. How can we enhance the user experience by building user-friendly progress bars?
read the article: Fast progress bars to enhance user experience