Kurt Tucholsky antwortete 1919 auf die Frage „Was darf Satire?” mit „Alles“. Beim Tag der Medienwissenschaft beschäftigten wir uns 100 Jahre später noch einmal mit der Frage: Christian Karch referierte über Freiheiten und Grenzen von Unterhaltung. Außerdem verabschiedeten wir Professor Hans-Jürgen Bucher, der das Fach 1998 aufgebaut hat.
"Computer games as media art": In this year, we invited Stephan Schwingeler, a pioneer in the field of game studies and himself alumni of media studies in Trier, to give a keynote at the day of media studies. Taking a media studies perspective, he talked about an area which we consider not often enough. How are computer games used in media art?
"The crisis of journalism" – this was the topic of this year's day of media studies. Why do people risk becoming journalists despite the crisis? And what do the findings from the crises in the Ukraine, Syria and Iraq mean for professional media?
Last Saturday (29th October 2011), medianetz Trier and the media studies (University of Trier) organized a panel discussion regarding "public relations in the age of social media". What do social media mean for public relations (PR)?