20 years of media studies in Trier: On the 27th of January 2018, media studies celebrated its history, with various contributions by students, a keynote by Silke Burmester focusing on "influencers and journalists", a panel discussion about attention in the media, and obviously reviews and outlooks with emotional tributes.
"Computer games as media art": In this year, we invited Stephan Schwingeler, a pioneer in the field of game studies and himself alumni of media studies in Trier, to give a keynote at the day of media studies. Taking a media studies perspective, he talked about an area which we consider not often enough. How are computer games used in media art?
Passt die neue Social-Media-Welt zum klassischen Theater? Ein Gespräch mit Karin Janner, der Organisatorin des ersten Barcamps zu Theater und Social Media, über Marketing mit und Herausforderungen durch Social Media für die Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten.
The demo scene create digital artworks in tiny files of 64k, building on effects calculated in real time by the computer, often exceeding technical limitations of the devices. A free documentation und a creative commons BY) license describes the development of the scene and introduces some of its protagonists.
Last Saturday (29th October 2011), medianetz Trier and the media studies (University of Trier) organized a panel discussion regarding "public relations in the age of social media". What do social media mean for public relations (PR)?
„Ein ♥ für Blogs“ geht in die dritte Runde, diesmal gestartet von Marcel. Ich habe mir diesmal drei Beispiele rausgesucht: zwei zur Fotografie und eines zur Erziehungswissenschaft. Alle drei gibt's nach dem Sprung.