20 years of media studies in Trier: On the 27th of January 2018, media studies celebrated its history, with various contributions by students, a keynote by Silke Burmester focusing on "influencers and journalists", a panel discussion about attention in the media, and obviously reviews and outlooks with emotional tributes.
The digital media shift is a challenge for all of us, whether we are part of the editorial staff or media studies in general. Thus, this was one of the major topics of the day of media studies in 2013. Joachim Blum held a keynote covering his experiences as a media consultant, and the alumni Viktoria Hengen, Sebastian Erlhofer, and Nils Lengelsen spoke about what the job market expects from students of media studies.
Beim Tag der Medienwissenschaft feierte die Trierer Medienwissenschaft mit spannenden Themen ihren 15. Geburtstag. Stefan Raues Vortrag über Trimedialität beim MDR punktete mit Praxisnähe, blieb beim Internet aber blass. Zentrale Frage der Podiumsdiskussion: Können Journalisten die digitale Zukunft überhaupt mitgestalten?