Films in Focus“Decay” – Physicists vs. Zombies
“Decay”, a zombie film, relocates the zombie apocalypse to an unusual place – and despite certain flaws, shows what independent films are capable of.
read the article: “Decay” – Physicists vs. ZombiesThese articles are tagged with "Creative Commons".
“Decay”, a zombie film, relocates the zombie apocalypse to an unusual place – and despite certain flaws, shows what independent films are capable of.
read the article: “Decay” – Physicists vs. and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have published a new e-book on digital copyright..
read the article: Between bonds and laissez-faire: copyright in the digital ageThe WE Magazine has published its first issue. The magazine’s creators build onthe power of collective work and provide basic articles on Web 2.0. One of the highlights of the current issue: the interview with Creative Commons CEO Joichi Ito.
read the article: Creative Commons in the WE Magazine