Björn Rohles

Investigating the value creation of user experience Academic work

My academic work focuses on the value proposition of user experience (UX): What value can UX create and what conditions does UX need for this value creation?

As part of my voluntary work as a working group leader in UX strategy, I investigate organizational contexts that enable UX to create strategically significant value. And as part of my (mostly voluntary) research activities, I investigate the value of UX in transdisciplinary projects such as education (dissertation on UX in digital concept mapping) or the supervision of doctoral researchers in UX-related topics (such as human-drone interaction, experiences of users of easy-to-read language, or assessment situations).

Supervision as jury member

  • Sabina Sieghart (Hasselt University): Digital Design Patterns for Easy-to-Read users (working title)
  • Ziming Wang (University of Luxembourg, Chalmers University of Technology): Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development
  • Suvadeep Mukherjee (University of Luxembourg)


Peer-reviewed articles and monographs

  • Tang, H., Lenzini, G., Greiff, S., Rohles, B., & Sergeeva, A. (2024). “Who Knows? Maybe it Really Works”:Analyzing Users’ Perceptions of Health Misinformation on Social Media. DIS 2024, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Yang, S., Chen, X., Rohles, B., & Fjeld, M. (2024). Exploring Intended Functions of Indoor Flying Robots Interacting With Humans in Proximity. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–16.
  • Sieghart, S., Rohles, B., & Bessemans, A. (2024). Empowering Independence Through Design: Investigating Standard Digital Design Patterns For Easy-to-Read Users. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–18.
  • Rohles, B., Votintseva, A., Schneider, P., & Stavrakakis, M. (2023). Let’s Talk About Strategy: Factors in establishing UX strategy. Mensch & Computer, Rapperswil, Switzerland.
  • Sergeeva, A., Rohles, B., Distler, V., & Koenig, V. (2023). “We Need a Big Revolution in Email Advertising”: Users’ Perception of Persuasion in Permission-based Advertising Emails. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–21.
  • Mukherjee, S., Rohles, B., Distler, V., Lenzini, G., & Koenig, V. (2023). The effects of privacy-non-invasive interventions on cheating prevention and user experience in unproctored online assessments: An empirical study. Computers & Education, 207, 104925.
  • Wang, Z., Hu, Z., Rohles, B., Ljungblad, S., Koenig, V., & Fjeld, M. (2023). The Effects of Natural Sounds and Proxemic Distances on the Perception of a Noisy Domestic Flying Robot. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 12(4), 1–32.
  • Rohles, B., Backes, S., Fischbach, A., Amadieu, F., & Koenig, V. (2022). Creating positive learning experiences with technology: A field study on the effects of user experience for digital concept mapping. Heliyon, 8(4), e09246.
  • Rohles, B. (2021). From Tool to Experience: Establishing a User Experience Perspective on Digital Concept Mapping [PhD Thesis]. Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  • Rohles, B., & Backes, S. (2021). Wissen zu Nachhaltigkeit und Verständnis für komplexe Zusammenhänge. Eine Concept-Mapping-Studie. Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT). BB2021LU-DE-30A
  • Rohles, B., Koenig, V., Fischbach, A., & Amadieu, F. (2019). Experience matters: Bridging the gap between experience- and functionality-driven design in technology-enhanced learning. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 42, 11–28.

Presentations at conferences

  • Rohles, B., & Sieghart, S. (2024): Digitale Produkte in Leichter Sprache. Zwei Studien zu digitalen Design Pattern mit einem partizipativen Designprozess. Mensch & Computer 2024.
  • Rohles, B., Doublet, S., Bongard-Blanchy, K., Distler, V., Fourrier, V., Sergeeva, A., & Koenig, V. (2022). "Do we need an entire course about it?": Evaluating two years of teaching HCI in computer science. EduCHI 2022.
  • Rohles, B., Fischbach, A., Amadieu, F., & Koenig, V. (2022). "Each Shape has a Meaning": Multimodal Features in Concept Maps. Concept Mapping Conference, Malta.
  • Rohles, B., Koenig, V., Amadieu, F., & Fischbach, A. (2021). Knowledge assessment with concept maps:Opportunities and challenges. 12th Conference of the International Test Commission.
  • Fourrier, V., Doublet, S., Bongard-Blanchy, K., Rohles, B., Fischbach, A., & Koenig, V. (2021). Co-concevoir des outils d’évaluation : Impliquer les utilisateurs pour une meilleure expérience. Retour sur la collaboration avec des enseignants pour développer l’outil d’évaluation en ligne OASYS4schools. Colloque ADMEE 2021.
  • Backes, S., & Rohles, B. (2021). Learning about Soil and Sustainability with a Concept Mapping Tool: How Does Concept Mapping Help to Represent Complex Knowledge? ECER 2021 - European Conference on Educational Research.
  • Rohles, B. (2019). Scoring concept Maps: Insights from an international, systematic literature review. 1st LuxERA Emerging Researchers' Conference.