Björn Rohles

Introducing the podcast “soziopod” Listener research

Last update: Reading time: 1 minute Tags: Dr. Nils Kölbel, Patrick Breitenbach, Podcast, soziopod, theory, science

Podcasts have been with me for many years. They took up the space that radio probably occupies for other people. After a long absence, my series of podcast recommendations is now being reactivated. First up: Soziopod, a theory podcast with a lot of content.

Soziopod: high-level theories

The Soziopod podcast series, created by Dr. Nils Köbel, an educational scientist in Mainz, and Patrick Breitenbach, a PR blogger and lecturer at the Karlshochschule, resonates well with my academic nature. Together, they discuss pioneering theories and take a scientifically sound approach to current issues.

Portraits of Karl Popper, Jürgen Habermas and Karl Marx
Karl Popper, Jürgen Habermas, Karl Marx – three old acquaintances from the sociopod

Credits: Karl Popper by LSE library/Flickr Commons, LSE Library, without copyright

Credits: Jürgen Habermas by Wolfram Huke, CC BY SA

Credits: Painting of Karl Marx, Public Domain by John Mayall

The format is particularly appealing: first, some theoretical principles are explained, then the discussion begins. The hosts are not afraid of big names: Karl Popper, Karl Marx, Joachim Gauck, Christian Wulff, Emmanuel Kant. The topics are equally meaningful: the Frankfurt School, constructivism, identity, education or even “evil”. “You cannot just listen in on it, otherwise you will miss something,” says the intro. That is correct.