Björn Rohles

Podcast Tip: PhotoWalkthrough

Last update: Reading time: 0 minute Tags: Podcast, Tutorial, image processing

John Arnold’s “PhotoWalkthrough” is a treasure trove of tutorials on image editing and photography.

Logo of John Arnold's Photo Walkthrough
John Arnold’s „PhotoWalkthrough“

The best way to learn image editing is often to look over someone else’s shoulder – and the internet is a treasure trove of examples. One of my favorites for many years: John Arnold’s PhotoWalkthrough. The focus is on Photoshop tutorials, but his knowledgeable discussions of photographs and composition tips are also worth a look. The whole thing is in English, with a really nice accent.

Photography is 50% art and 50% science.
John Arnold

His YouTube channel, which seems to have emerged from an earlier video podcast, is also highly recommended. In many of his tutorials, John Arnold explains step by step, over several episodes, how he edits a photograph and why he does it. Here is a vivid example: