Björn Rohles

New from the treasure trove of photography: Beato, 3D glasses and Swinging Sixties

Last update: Reading time: 1 minute Tags: Felice Beato, Flickr, Flickr Commons, National Archive UK

I have already repeatedly found some real gems from the Flickr Commons. This time: pictures by Felice Beato, straight from the National Archive UK archive.

Felice Beato, javelin thrower, 1884/85
Felice Beato, javelin thrower “Native Manner of Throwing”, 1884/85

The English-Italian photographer Beato (1832-1909) holds an impressive number of “first” or “one of the first” descriptions in the history of photography and is particularly known for his war and travel photographs. In 1884, in the late phase of his career, Beato accompanied an expedition to Khartoum in Sudan, which is said to have left no images behind. But the National Archive UK has apparently managed to track some down: In particular, shots of soldiers from different backgrounds, showing not only historical clothing and weapons, but also Beato’s early photojournalistic approach. Such as on the left, when he shows how a spear is traditionally thrown.

Felice Beato, a Commissariat Corps, 1884/85
Felice Beato, a Commissariat Corps, 1884/85

There are, of course, many more beautiful photographs in the National Archive UK. A small selection of my favorites:

Cinema audience with 3D glasses
“Fifties in 3D” from May 11, 1951 – cinemas today look similar when 3D technology is supposed to save the industry again
teenager in front of trendy shops in London
“Swinging London” captures the spirit of 1969
graphically stylized representation of workers.
There are also graphical elements – “Motor Manufacturing” by Clive Gardiner from the 1930s.

[via Flickr Blog]