UX Vision and UX Strategy: The path to seamless, positive experiences
User Experience, UX strategy, UX vision
t3n 73
Positive experiences are becoming increasingly important for companies and, especially in times of increased competition, can be a decisive differentiator that sets an organization apart from others. But how can organizations ensure that everyone aligns in the same direction and contributes to positive experiences for their users or customers? Luckily, UX visions and UX strategies are useful tools for achieving this alignment. What do you need to consider when creating UX visions and UX strategies?
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Making Understanding Visible: Exploring Mental Models with Concept Mapping
Concept mapping, User Experience, user research
t3n 68
UX designers should know the mental models of users to design human-centered digital products and services. However, these mental models are not easy to capture and vary substantially from person to person. Concept mapping is a valuable method to explore mental models. But what to consider when using concept mapping in UX research?
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UX Maturity: People in focus, success in sight
Design, User Experience, strategy
t3n 63
User experience (UX) is a key success factor in the design of digital products and services. However, companies and other organizations are at different stages when it comes to aligning their processes for a positive UX. UX maturity models help to identify where an organization stands in terms of UX maturity. How can companies use this to systematically design for positive UX and turn it into business advantages?
More diversity for better experiences
Design, User Experience, diversity, strategy
t3n 60
In a connected world, target audiences are more diverse than ever before. In user experience (UX) design, this complexity is a major challenge. However, the right design approaches allow creating digital services and products that stand out positively from the rest.
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Guerrilla-style UX design
Design, User Experience, strategy
t3n 56
Little money, little time and still a great user experience? That sounds too good to be true. But the Guerilla-style UX design process promises exactly that. Part 2 of my series on Guerilla-UX is dedicated to exploring user needs, brainstorming, and prototyping.
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Testing, User Experience, Guerilla UX
t3n 55
Testing the user experience of websites or apps usually involves a lot of effort. However, this does not have to be the case, because small tests are better than none. Especially if they are lean, fast and agile. Part 1 of my Guerilla-UX series provides a look at the powerful tactics of guerilla UX testing.
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Chatbot development: From strategy to prototyping
chatbot, prototyping, user experience
t3n 53
Since a couple of years, the popularity of chatbots is rapidly increasing. Their advantages: They are available at any time, you do not have to install them, and they use well-known communication patterns. In my article in t3n 53 (in German), I describe how chatbot prototyping can enhance user experience.
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Colour in web design: the right choice
web design, colour
t3n 50
Colour is one of the most important stylistic choices in web design. There are countless colours and combinations, but the choice should be guided by a good conceptual idea. An excerpt of my book explains the basics.
Chatbot development: From strategy to prototyping
chatbot, prototyping, user experience
t3n 53
Since a couple of years, the popularity of chatbots is rapidly increasing. Their advantages: They are available at any time, you do not have to install them, and they use well-known communication patterns. In my article in t3n 53 (in German), I describe how chatbot prototyping can enhance user experience.
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Designing Conversational User Interfaces: Chats as a design language
User Experience, Conversational User Interfaces, Natural Language User Interfaces
t3n 45
Chats, messengers and digital assistents are not only channels of communication and marketing. They stand for a new paradigm in the design of user interfaces: the Conversational User Interface (CUI) or Natural Language User Interface (NLUI). My article in t3n 45 considers this trend from an User Experience perspective.
Intercultural web design: other countries, other design
Webdesign, Interkulturalität
t3n 44
Intercultural web design considers the cultural imprint of people. Using the theory of cultural dimensions by Geert Hofstede, I explain how to create the right designs for different cultures.
The right images in web design
User Experience
t3n 42
Images inform, create emotions, direct the user's attention and establish brands. I the 42th issue of the t3n magazine, I explain how the pictorial language of a web site contributes to the User Experience.
How interaction design helps digital brands
interaction design, digital brands
t3n 41
It is becoming more and more difficult for brands to create a unique selling proposition in the digital world. A great User Experience can help making brands distinctive. My article in t3n 41 takes a look at how interaction design can create a lasting positive impression of a digital brand.
Great one page web designs
web design
t3n 37
One page web designs are trending. My article in t3n 37 explains how to use their creative power.
Combining typefaces
typography, eeb design
t3n 36
Web fonts create an enormous typographic variety in the web. I explain how to combine different typefaces in t3n 36.
Webdesign-Trends 2014
Grafik, Kreativität, Usability, Webdesign
t3n 35
Im Web heißt es mit der Zeit gehen – aber nur, wenn es für das eigene Projekt Sinn macht: 12 Webdesign-Trends für das Jahr 2014, kritisch und anschaulich dargestellt.
Modern UI design by Microsoft
creativity, Microsoft
t3n 34
Microsoft set new design trends with their Modern UI (formerly known as Metro). My article in t3n 34 explains how to use the metro-style grids in web design.
Evaluating Usability
t3n 26
My article in t3n 26 gives ideas of how to evaluate the Usability of web sites.
Crowdsourcing: Wisdom of the Crowd
t3n 19
Crowdsourcing – a word creation consisting of "Crowd" and "Outsourcing" – is trying to benefit from the Wisdom of the Crowd. My article in t3n 19 gives practical tips for the start.