Portrait von Björn Rohles

Björn Rohles, media scholar & author Human experiences in digital technologies

I am the author of books and articles. My topics are usability and user experience, digital strategy and design. I also love to share my knowledge giving talks and walkshops.

more about Björn Rohles

Recent articles

I love writing, especially about user experience and digitalization (technologies, marketing, media). You can find a selection of my current articles here, the complete overview is in the article archive.

On the importance of experiences in the experience economy Why the Experience is so important for companies and institutions

In both business and design, we are focusing increasingly on our users' experience, especially in the digital medium. What are the reasons for this development? This article traces this development and answers questions like: What is the economic value of experience? What is characteristic of experiences? Why are experiences so important, especially in the digital medium? And how can experience help us shape a future worth living?

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Growing corporate awareness for user experience UX Maturity: Humans in focus, success in sight

User experience (UX) is a key success factor in the design of digital products and services. However, companies and other organizations are at different stages with regards to aligning their business processes for positive UX. UX maturity models help to identify the current stage of organizations in terms of UX maturity. How can companies use these models to systematically create positive UX and turn it into business benefits?

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UX maturity Selected UX maturity models

UX maturity describes the extent to which an organization has implemented human-centered design in its processes. These processes, thus, create good conditions for a positive user experience. UX maturity models help to describe the current status of organizations on this path.

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Diversity in UX design More diversity for better experiences

In a connected world, target audiences are more diverse than ever before. In user experience (UX) design, this complexity is a major challenge. However, the right design approaches allow creating digital services and products that stand out positively from the rest.

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